Infected seedlings have small, circular, yellow brown or brown lesions that may girdle the coleoptile and distort primary and secondary leaves.
Starting at tillering stage, lesions can be observed on the leaves. They are initially small, circular, and dark brown to purple-brown.
Fully developed lesions are circular to oval with a light brown to gray center, surrounded by a reddish brown margin caused by the toxin produced by the fungi.
On susceptible varieties, lesions are 5−14 mm long which can cause leaves to wilt. On resistant varieties, the lesions are brown and pinhead-sized.
Spots and lesions on leaves Lesions on leaf sheaths are similar to those on the leaves. Infected glumes and panicle branches have dark brown to black oval spots or discoloration on the entire surface.
Spikelets can also be infected. Infection of florets leads to incomplete or disrupted grain filling and a reduction in grain quality. The disease-causing fungi can also penetrate grains, causing 'pecky rice', a term used to describe spotting and discoloration of grains.
In certain rice varieties, brown spot lesions can be mistaken for blast lesions. To confirm, check if spots are circular, brownish, and have a gray center surrounded by a reddish margin